Collecting materials cast aside by man and nature has been a lifelong passion, says Artist Susie Biehl. “I create my art by mixing man-made rejects with plant-based discards.”
Her love of finding disposed objects started at a very young age when she was given a treasured pink purse. “I never went anywhere without it and it was always full of “stuff”…rocks, acorns, bottle caps and whatever else that found its way to me. I saw beauty in the things I collected… they were my prized possessions, my jewels of the earth.”
Susie collects objects from streets and alleys, flea markets, antique stores, and one of her favorite suppliers – construction demolition sights. “I don’t come up with an idea first and then find materials. Rather, I find the materials and they come together in magical and surprising outcomes.”
Packing materials find their way into many of the artist’s pieces. Susie feels that packing materials are beautifully engineered for one intention, with a very short life, only to be fed to landfills. “I have a love of nature and a fascination in the footprint we leave on this planet.”

Bachelor of Science in Art and Interior Design from Western Michigan University.
Member, Core Art Space, Santa Fe Art District, Denver CO
Background in Interior Design, Lighting Design and Graphic Design.